I can still see,
as if in a vision,
the old Transmission Works
silhouetted against the sunset...
its arched peaks and flying buttresses,
and a distant horizon
splashed against a fiery liquid sky. -
It was late in the day
on the homeward path.
There was a warm feeling,
as of nectar in the air...
and this alone had been enough
to stop us in our tracks...
But then, gazing back
over the old Transmission Works
a yet deeper stillness had overcome us...
a Presence... -
We always knew of the fire
kept going in the molten belly of the forge,
and of the glowing liquid
forever flowing into form,
every day pouring life and purpose
into this community of souls.
But this was more than that. -
On that evening
a deep and indelible seal
was impressed on our heart.In the space of one breath
a moment of unknowing
flushed aside all our knowingsand the Presence,
arising like lava within us,
drew us into Her timeless embrace . . .a delicious deathless intimacy . . . -
There had only ever been this One . . .
this One Invincible HeartAnd it was so given to us
on that amber evening . . .and was so deeply felt, so indelibly forged,
that even though it might not always be felt . . .
we now knew.This One Heart would be with us always . . .This meant everything . . . -
It meant everything would be okay.