Michael Sullivan is living a longish and apparently eventful life. He immigrated to Canada in 1967, but soon decamped for Mexico and California returning in 1969 to complete an undergraduate degree in sociology. This led him onto a masters degree and a still incomplete PhD in sociolog at McGill University. During these years he also pursued a long time interest in Buddhism through connecting with the community founded by Chogyam Trungpa. But at the time he was not ripe for a full immersion. Instead, Michael opted to pursue a career in business instead of the academia, a move with no regrets. Eventually, with three other partners Michael started a business of his own which he still engages with, while contemplating slowing down or spending more time on his spiritual practice. Inspired by the Herman Hesse novel Siddhartha, his vision from relatively early on was to spend the last few years of his life on a mountain top seeking the divine. Instead, a late life crisis led him to transpersonal therapy and for the last 15 years an intense exposure to both the meditative experience and the Heart Path. Michael continues to meld his spiritual journey with his family life (three grandchildren will keep you engaged) and his work. The combination of which has provided a rich soil for the flowering of spiritual life.